What an intense year!! I have been travelling a lot, seeing and painting many interesting buildings, and meeting great people wherever I went. It was exhausting, but fascinating, enriching and beautiful... to be continued!
Paris: Assemblée Nationale, Symbols of Democracy Series - first sketches
View from Pont de la Concorde, Acrylic on paper
The front entrance of the Assemblée Nationale
Acrylic on paper
Strasbourg: Palais universitaire, watercolour
Strasbourg: Finishing the View of the cathedral from the CCI (Chamber of Commerce and Industry), Place Gutenberg, which I had started in 2021.
Oil on canvas, 100 x 160 cm
Strasbourg: The harbour basin of the industrial port (Port Autonome de Strasbourg)
Oil on canvas, 80 x 100 cm
Strasbourg: View from the architecture museum "5ème lieu", Place du Chateau
Oil on canvas, 92 x 116 cm
Preparation of the exhibition Symbols of Democracy Series at the GIZ (Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit - German Federal Society for International Cooperation), Bonn, May - June
Bonn: Bundesbüdchen, Symbols of Democracy Series - the former newsstand of the German politicians
Oil on canvas, 100 x 80 cm
Bonn: Langer Eugen + Wasserwerk, Symbols of Democracy Series - the former government buildings of the Bonn Republic
Oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
Strasbourg: Council of Europe, Symbols of Democracy Series
Oil on canvas, 116 x 92 cm
Ehemaliger Bundestag, Symbols of Democracy Series - The former plenary chamber of the German Parliament in Bonn, now World Conference Center
Oil on canvas, 120 x 100 cm
The former Chancellery in Bonn, Symbols of Democracy Series - painting through the fence, though with photos taken previously - thanks to the Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ).
Oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
Paris: Le Sénat: starting the Escalier d'honneur, Symbols of Democracy Series
Oil on canvas, 146 x 92 cm
Valldemossa, Mallorca/Spain: Port de Valldemossa
see more paintings in my Mallorca gallery
Oil on canvas, 92 x 73 cm
Vista del mar, oil on canvas, ca. 100 x 120 cm
Sa Foradada, Mallorca: Oil on canvas, 116 x 92 cm
Strasbourg: The Cathedral
Oil on canvas, 146 x 93 cm
Paris: The library of the Sénat, and finishing the "Escalier d'honneur", Symbols of Democracy Series: absolute highlights, together with the plenary hall
View onto "Le grand bassin du Jardin du Luxembourg"
Oil on canvas, 92 x 146 cm
Paris: Palais du Luxembourg, Symbols of Democracy Series, seen from the garden
Oil on canvas, 146 x 92 cm
Strasbourg: Lycée International des Pontonniers, watercolour
Paris: Le Sénat: L'hémicycle, Symbols of Democracy Series: The plenary hall, the most important part of the French Senate, which has never been painted before
Oil on canvas, 160 x 100 cm
Strasbourg: The Court of Human Rights: farewell gift for the president of the Court, watercolour
Neustadt an der Weinstraße, Hambacher Schloss, Symbols of Democracy Series
Oil on canvas, 150 x 100 cm
Adding the flag to the "Hambacher Schloss", the "Cradle of Democracy" in Germany, for the exhibition at the Representation of Rhineland-Palatinat in Berlin from November 9th to December 14th: an absolutely great moment!
Wroclaw, Poland: the German Consulate, Symbols of Democracy Series
Another highlight - I will be back in spring to paint in the city for my series of Symbols of Democracy, the exhibition in the Consulate in Wroclaw at the end of May, and do a portrait.
see special blog to come..
The entrance hall of the Consulate, oil on canvas, 100 x 120 cm
The Symbols of Democracy Series has been printed as high quality art prints on beautiful paper in a size of A3 +, and is available here
My résumé, special thanks, and projects to come:
After this intense year in very special places, and with official support for my Symbols of Democracy series, I will continue to work on the project in and outside Europe, and expose in various countries.
I consider it important to give a positive statement of democracy in the current political situation worldwide, and I am glad to be helped by many institutions.
I would like to give special thanks to the French Sénat, the World Conference Center in Bonn, the State Representation of Rhineland-Palatinat in Berlin, and the German Consulate in Wroclaw for their warm welcome and great support.
Furthermore, I would like to thank the CCI and the 5ème lieu in Strasbourg for making it possible to paint in their historic halls.
Besides the Symbols of Democracy series, I will also take up a different topic again: the portrait - and experiment with fabric and abstract compositions. This will enrich my current work, and I am quite excited to see the results!